
Orla is available to workshop the process of “Life-writing”. This genre includes memoir, autobiography, family history, diary, journaling; any form of creative, narrative, non-fiction based upon the facts of the writer’s life. Orla can give an introduction to the history of life-writing, discuss recent and ancient examples, point beginners in the direction of useful resources, provide exercises to get the life-writing juices flowing etc.

June 2013: As part of the Babble Festival in Cavan town: workshopped with Cavan Creative Writers and Fermanagh writers’ group.

August 2013: As part of the Babble Festival weekend: workshopped with members of the public and writers’ groups. Read at Chapter One cafe at the launch of the Babble Festival literary magazine, with Dermot Healy and Ted McCarthy and others.

November 2013: As part of the Shore Festival in Sligo: workshopped with young/emerging writers. Read at the festival club.

One comment

  1. Orla, I couldn’t find an email address on your site, so have to put this here – apologies. I am getting in touch to see if you would be interested in doing a radio interview. Could you email me at This is genuine. I did a book review of ‘The Accidental Wife’ and shared it with you on Twitter. You can find me @scarlettjustine on Twitter. Thanks. J.McGrath. (perhaps you could delete this comment after you have read it?!)

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